ocf035: 父女圖
ocf035: just woke up
ocf035: 古北家樂福裡吃阿忠麵線
ocf035: 好位子
ocf035: 到阿福伯叔叔家烤肉去
ocf035: 偶 私 我
ocf035: 媽媽與多多 Lyn and dorothy
ocf035: 笑嘻嘻
ocf035: IMG_4474
ocf035: Let's shake it.
ocf035: Rock n Roll
ocf035: Join the joy
ocf035: 兩小無猜
ocf035: DSC_3452
ocf035: 曹阿比
ocf035: DSC_3429
ocf035: DSC_3410
ocf035: DSC_3409
ocf035: IMG_4550
ocf035: 好吃的玉米喔
ocf035: dorothy and grandma
ocf035: IMG_4529
ocf035: time for nap
ocf035: 像油畫一樣
ocf035: 30/1.4真的不錯
ocf035: Prepare for chair
ocf035: done, Dorothy is the first to try.
ocf035: Dorothy quite enjoys it
ocf035: Exercise