Likkhi: Yes ! Enjoy your Day dear Friend !
Likkhi: ! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag lieber Dieter !
Likkhi: ! Happy Birthday Dear Jane !
Likkhi: Ciao mon Bill
Likkhi: Oui Gérard le printemps revient ... :))
Likkhi: * * * in memoriam
Likkhi: Tenderness and Fortitude are my wishes for you dear friends with great admiration for your wonderful talents and heartly gratitude for your precious constancy to me
Likkhi: Joy and Love for you my dear friends !
Likkhi: Compassion
Likkhi: ! Allez les Bleus ! c'est un régal !
Likkhi: ! Happy "Birth~Week" dear Jane !
Likkhi: Hmm... le parfum du seringat ... :)
Likkhi: Farewell party
Likkhi: Chère amie... Adieu
Likkhi: Pour Dieter ...
Likkhi: Journée internationale de la francophonie : 20 mars 2014
Likkhi: Here's to you !
Likkhi: ! JOYEUX NOEL !
Likkhi: For you Dieter and Grant & Pour vous Maky et Philippe
Likkhi: For you Jane and Petra...
Likkhi: 19 juin : Une carte-lette tout exprès pour Véro...
Likkhi: Enrhumé ?
Likkhi: ... and tears with them
Likkhi: Um lugarzinho para minha amiga Eliana descansar ...
Likkhi: Zum einen 11. Juli ... einem treuen Freund !
Likkhi: Pour celles qui n'aiment pas les roses rouges...
Likkhi: ...there is still some cookies for you Grant ...
Likkhi: Happy birthday sweet Petra !
Likkhi: Honneur à vous mes amis !