Lora LA: DSC04107.jpg
Lora LA: DSC04103.jpg
Lora LA: Mimes are good for groping
Lora LA: When all eyes are on you...
Lora LA: The servers at Fado just get cuter and cuter
Lora LA: Good for licking!
Lora LA: Snow White and Turd Ferguson
Lora LA: DSC04105.jpg
Lora LA: Bonaduce!
Lora LA: Silent cry for help
Lora LA: Mimes are easily intimidated by Bonaduce's guns
Lora LA: She slept her way to the top of her class
Lora LA: Turtle power!
Lora LA: The fake Ginger Kid with the REAL Ginger Kid
Lora LA: Retarded Tiger Woods and Snow White