oceaneye: Coneflowers next to the pond
oceaneye: Black-eyed-Susan
oceaneye: First Sunflower of 2009
oceaneye: Opened Yellow Lily
oceaneye: Yellow lily
oceaneye: Yellow-rose-with-lavender
oceaneye: Yellow Lilies
oceaneye: Yellow-rosebud
oceaneye: Simple-Coreopsis
oceaneye: Yellow-Flag-Iris-June-09
oceaneye: Sunflower Center
oceaneye: Sunflower Closeup
oceaneye: Yellow Orange Daylily
oceaneye: Promise of a Better Week
oceaneye: Daylily
oceaneye: Old fashioned Yellow Rose
oceaneye: Blackeyed Susan
oceaneye: Golden Fall Dahlia
oceaneye: Wishing you a sunny day
oceaneye: Bouquet Lily
oceaneye: Daffodils, not from my garden
oceaneye: Transformation of the Pussy Willow