Ocean Chiou: 那些飛舞的如果 讓你我認錯你我
Ocean Chiou: 時間總是教人把習慣都記得 心底就算苦澀 該放 就放下了吧
Ocean Chiou: 再冷 也要做自己的陽光
Ocean Chiou: 不要是好的,是想的,也是愛的
Ocean Chiou: 無法盡數的高度,在理性與感性之間
Ocean Chiou: 微笑。一切都好
Ocean Chiou: 屋頂上,幻想著不會被時間發現
Ocean Chiou: 知道。做到
Ocean Chiou: Coming alive.
Ocean Chiou: Boring is interesting.
Ocean Chiou: A Dream like A Dream.
Ocean Chiou: Put a flame to everything.
Ocean Chiou: 可不可以賴著不走。幸褔的大道
Ocean Chiou: make it easy。一點點的想像
Ocean Chiou: 走走得停停。對抗著那表面張力
Ocean Chiou: 遺忘了。都不是真的
Ocean Chiou: 自由。拼拼湊湊的
Ocean Chiou: 淹沒。很清很遠的角落
Ocean Chiou: Maybe this is wishful thinking
Ocean Chiou: 選擇離開,它的思念就開始了
Ocean Chiou: 巧。想分享窗外的小禮物
Ocean Chiou: 好 不好。這是你與他的不得不
Ocean Chiou: 進一步。學習 退一步。修行
Ocean Chiou: One day. Maybe you'll walk to a new way for someone.
Ocean Chiou: 想想那些。被吞噬的快
Ocean Chiou: Hoping for something and losing hurts more than never hoping for anything.
Ocean Chiou: 20131011_MyRoof
Ocean Chiou: 有些不習慣,只能在印象裡的相伴
Ocean Chiou: It’s in my hands again.
Ocean Chiou: It's gonna be tough to say goodbye. Nobody loves change, but part of life is learning to let things go.