ocalacaj513: We're off to Crofton, Nebraska for trail riding
ocalacaj513: Sleepy who runs faster than a car
ocalacaj513: Both so freakin' cute
ocalacaj513: Kevin keeping track of horses
ocalacaj513: Kelly performing a safety check
ocalacaj513: Father & Joker
ocalacaj513: Getting to know you....
ocalacaj513: Here we go
ocalacaj513: I'm lovin' this already!
ocalacaj513: Carol & Gretchen
ocalacaj513: Gretchen & Brandy
ocalacaj513: Kristen, Diamond w/her colt, Gemma
ocalacaj513: Getting mounted and ready to ride
ocalacaj513: Getting mounted and ready to ride
ocalacaj513: Getting mounted and ready to ride
ocalacaj513: Getting mounted and ready to ride
ocalacaj513: Getting mounted and ready to ride
ocalacaj513: Hi ya honey!
ocalacaj513: Father w/Gretchen following close behind
ocalacaj513: Kelly & Aaron
ocalacaj513: Aaron, Carol, Gretchen
ocalacaj513: Meeting of the "horses minds" We're just along for the ride!