ocalacaj513: On our way to the beach. Thomas took this photo.
ocalacaj513: Henry wiggled out of his collar and took off into the water. This is Aaron catching him
ocalacaj513: Henry wiggled out of his collar and took off into the water. This is Aaron catching him
ocalacaj513: P1010008
ocalacaj513: Henry wiggled out of his collar and took off into the water. This is Aaron catching him.
ocalacaj513: Henry just ran right in to the waves
ocalacaj513: Aaron holding Henry back, he just ran right in and got slammed by a wave
ocalacaj513: Aaron, Henry & Thomas
ocalacaj513: Henry, Aaron & Thomas
ocalacaj513: Henry trying to go deeper into the ocean
ocalacaj513: Panda is really tired
ocalacaj513: Panda is tired....
ocalacaj513: Silly Panda
ocalacaj513: Silly Panda
ocalacaj513: Thomas
ocalacaj513: Panda resting and Thomas waiting for lunch
ocalacaj513: Battling those waves takes a lot of work
ocalacaj513: Two tired dogs
ocalacaj513: Henry & Aaron
ocalacaj513: Carol & Panda
ocalacaj513: Carol & Panda
ocalacaj513: Thomas, Carol & Panda
ocalacaj513: Thomas, Carol & Panda
ocalacaj513: Thomas waiting on a wave