ocalacaj513: Panda helping deliver couch to Uncle Scott in Ocala
ocalacaj513: Two Salamanders performing the mating dance
ocalacaj513: Two Salamanders performing the mating dance
ocalacaj513: BIRD on a lake
ocalacaj513: Two Salamanders performing the mating dance
ocalacaj513: Beautiful lake... Beautiful sky... Beautiful day... Beautiful LIFE!
ocalacaj513: Henry loves to SWIM
ocalacaj513: Even DEEPER into the lake...
ocalacaj513: Just checking out the wildlife.
ocalacaj513: OH! Look. TIMID Panda, afraid of the water, is following HENRY into the lake.... will she do it?
ocalacaj513: Panda working up her courage to actually go into the water......
ocalacaj513: Henry - Just LOVIN' the water and swimming around
ocalacaj513: omg! She is barking as if to say "look at me!" I am IN the water.....
ocalacaj513: Panda is even deeper now... She is following Henry....
ocalacaj513: Panda is actually frolicking w/Henry in the lake... This is a BIG step for my timid old girl....
ocalacaj513: The Poodle Look - I look just like Jeannine in this photo!
ocalacaj513: Carol in the early am with her TROTH of coffee and morning cigarette!