0416: 好天氣好心情2
薛慧瑩: 陶狗
薛慧瑩: 狗兒
薛慧瑩: dogs
Orka & Avuonas: Energy or The Ascent of the Monkey
Orka & Avuonas: The Boys
Orka & Avuonas: Dog - Strange Heart
Orka & Avuonas: 3 D Art Object Boy's Portrait With Mouse Ears, Clay Wall Decoration - The Chocolate Whisperer
HYURO: DSC_0019Dunedin, New Zealand, 2015 for Dunedin Street Art.
Hom平常心: 碟子
Hom平常心: 動物們
Katja Kemnitz: spherical
陳幸運: ---_0263
FUMI KOIKE: Illustration for OFS
HYURO: Santander, Spain, 2014. Desvelarte Festival. (Centro Cívico de Numancia)
HYURO: Detail...Cardiff, Wales 2014.
HYURO: Detail...Cardiff, Wales 2014 for Empty Walls Festival. (more images at www.hyuro.es)
FUMI KOIKE: New Year's card
FUMI KOIKE: energy saving poster A
FUMI KOIKE: energy saving poster B
FUMI KOIKE: 銀河鉄道の夜 The Night of the Milky Way Train
FUMI KOIKE: Two persons 01
FUMI KOIKE: Two Persons 03