Woolwich Observer: The Nutcracker, a Canadian Tradition Snow Queen and Cavalier in front of Linda Schettle, Preston and Gabrielle1, 12 3 2010
Woolwich Observer: Snow Flakes - The Nutcracker, a Canadian Tradition Photo by Chris Hut
Woolwich Observer: Lord and Lady Birch in the Nutcracker, a Canadian Tradition Dancers Danielle Rosengren and Preston McBain Photo by Pradeep Bhatia
Woolwich Observer: The Nutcracker - Klara with the Nutcracker in front of Tom Thomson's Snow in the Woods Photo by Pradeep Bhatia
Woolwich Observer: Lord and Lady Birch in the Nutcracker, a Canadian Tradition Dancers Danielle Rosengren and Preston McBain Photo by Bill Wang
Woolwich Observer: The Nutcracker, a Canadian Tradition Canoeing in Algonquin Park Photo by Linda Schettle
Woolwich Observer: midget pic stratford champs
Woolwich Observer: leah stratford tournie nov11 obs
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Woolwich Observer: noid-DSC_0089