Oblong Dog: Last of the Mohicans
Oblong Dog: Two become one: pile up
Oblong Dog: Third raft collision
Oblong Dog: Here's number 4!
Oblong Dog: Superheroes look on
Oblong Dog: Despicable raft
Oblong Dog: Housework disaster!
Oblong Dog: Navigating the bridge
Oblong Dog: The Dukes of (Water) Hazzard
Oblong Dog: The Dukes of (Water) Hazzard
Oblong Dog: Wouldn't even get out of bed
Oblong Dog: Santa and his little ... penguins?!?
Oblong Dog: Santa and his little ... penguins?!?
Oblong Dog: D.A.F.T.: if the cap fits...
Oblong Dog: Free from the rocks!
Oblong Dog: The barrels cannae take it captain
Oblong Dog: She's breaking up!
Oblong Dog: Shipwrecked sailors!
Oblong Dog: It's too late to pray!
Oblong Dog: Navigating the bridge
Oblong Dog: Keep calm and carry on paddling
Oblong Dog: Palm tree down! Palm tree down!