Oblong Dog:
Car rental sign
Oblong Dog:
Car rental sign detail
Oblong Dog:
Endurance and persistence
Oblong Dog:
Do these look like ears to you?
Oblong Dog:
Closer look at an "ear"
Oblong Dog:
Shocking pink flowers
Oblong Dog:
Close up of pink flowers
Oblong Dog:
Kitchen window spider
Oblong Dog:
Garden spider
Oblong Dog:
DVR arrived!
Oblong Dog:
Remotes a-go-go
Oblong Dog:
Oblong Dog:
Parking paystation panel
Oblong Dog:
Parking paystation unit
Oblong Dog:
Cupcake birthday card for Kyle
Oblong Dog:
Inside of birthday card
Oblong Dog:
Geocities goes down!
Oblong Dog:
LA Fitness in Sale
Oblong Dog:
Metrolink Ticket Machine
Oblong Dog:
Tram arrival
Oblong Dog:
All aboard
Oblong Dog:
Digital switchover is coming
Oblong Dog:
Oblong Dog:
Oasis Sports Centre Timetable
Oblong Dog:
Front of the Oasis Sports Centre
Oblong Dog:
Night-time self portrait
Oblong Dog:
Oblong Dog:
Didcot snowman
Oblong Dog:
It's where the bugs are
Oblong Dog:
Meeting room signage #1