Oblong Dog:
Kyle on the London Eye
Oblong Dog:
Me in the Eye-pod
Oblong Dog:
Don't look down!
Oblong Dog:
Together in the sky
Oblong Dog:
Look kids, it's Big Ben!
Oblong Dog:
Oblong Dog:
View over the County Hall
Oblong Dog:
Oblong Dog:
You spin me right round baby right round
Oblong Dog:
Cool advert
Oblong Dog:
Double rainbow over Hinxton
Oblong Dog:
Another view of the rainbow
Oblong Dog:
Gate to the British Library
Oblong Dog:
The British Library
Oblong Dog:
Novel paperweight
Oblong Dog:
Kyle under the statue of Newton
Oblong Dog:
Me under the statue
Oblong Dog:
Newton and the Novotel
Oblong Dog:
Another view of the statue
Oblong Dog:
Kyle at the London Aquarium
Oblong Dog:
You can tell it's the Pacific
Oblong Dog:
Resting shark
Oblong Dog:
Oblong Dog:
Fish in the Pacific tank
Oblong Dog:
Last view over the Thames