obLiterated: The Graduate
obLiterated: End of a big night
obLiterated: Streamers!
obLiterated: The Band
obLiterated: Chillin' after the ceremony
obLiterated: Academics stage a walkout
obLiterated: Got it, done it, done...
obLiterated: Flip the tassle
obLiterated: Smile for the camera
obLiterated: Got it!
obLiterated: Well, thanks, Doc!
obLiterated: I'm Adam, graduate. Pleased to meet Ya!
obLiterated: The long walk...
obLiterated: Hat tip to the Head of School
obLiterated: Wot he recieved
obLiterated: Em Cee
obLiterated: The Graduate and .. me.. sad.
obLiterated: The Graduate and his Mum