obLiterated: up! up! and away!
obLiterated: flyin again
obLiterated: look at us!
obLiterated: dolphin ski-in'
obLiterated: what are u lookin' at?
obLiterated: duh hello
obLiterated: clever seal, stupid person
obLiterated: people meet fish
obLiterated: shark & watcher
obLiterated: polar bears
obLiterated: i love my yellow thing
obLiterated: drinkin'
obLiterated: pyramid climax
obLiterated: outta control
obLiterated: hoonin'
obLiterated: jumpin'
obLiterated: check the hair
obLiterated: meter maid
obLiterated: sit down air
obLiterated: meter maids
obLiterated: checkin' the camera
obLiterated: monorail dusk
obLiterated: end o' the day
obLiterated: droopy fins
obLiterated: sharks