objects: BAJKOWY
objects: French Art Nouveau oil-lamp
objects: blue glass, chrome
objects: diamentowy
objects: niebieski tunel
objects: fer forge
objects: 18kilo!!! of crystal
objects: bilardowa
objects: Murano lata 20
objects: srebrny+fiolet
objects: pre-war Murano from Callantsoog
objects: Srebrzony, 90cm wys
objects: glass
objects: small empire
objects: just a little 1
objects: Empire, 7 arms
objects: lampa
objects: szara patyna
objects: empire, very beautiful
objects: big empire
objects: flowers
objects: lamp
objects: brąz
objects: Grazyna-the-poet's
objects: Lisbeth's and Thomas'
objects: taki malutki
objects: romantic 2
objects: lantern
objects: tres belle
objects: art deco 12 (6+6) bulbs