Obiwong777: Waterfall
Obiwong777: Flowering tree
Obiwong777: Local kids
Obiwong777: Entertainment for local kids
Obiwong777: Local kids
Obiwong777: Carrying firewood
Obiwong777: Returning from hospital
Obiwong777: Walking back to our accomodation
Obiwong777: On the way to the hospital
Obiwong777: Roadside cooking
Obiwong777: Smile
Obiwong777: Broken down on the side of the road
Obiwong777: Transporting goods
Obiwong777: 217_1744edited
Obiwong777: Carrying food
Obiwong777: When the car has no more seats...
Obiwong777: How to pack a van
Obiwong777: Roadside corn cobs
Obiwong777: Transporting goods in Africa, Mbingo
Obiwong777: DSCN3860edited
Obiwong777: DSCN2111edited B&W
Obiwong777: P1020407edited
Obiwong777: DSCN2091edited
Obiwong777: IMGP2074edited
Obiwong777: IMGP2079edited
Obiwong777: P1010063edited
Obiwong777: P1000813edited
Obiwong777: P1000775edited
Obiwong777: P1020330edited
Obiwong777: More than a helping hand