Roger Hur: Surprise
Roger Hur: Surprise 1
Roger Hur: Surprise 2
Roger Hur: Alexander
Roger Hur: Mommy and me
Roger Hur: Boys
Roger Hur: Surprise party
Roger Hur: "I want cake!"
Roger Hur: Auntie Tracey
Roger Hur: Matthew and Adrianna
Roger Hur: Make a wish.
Roger Hur: Whoo hoo, no boyfriends.
Roger Hur: Cheese!
Roger Hur: Family photo
Roger Hur: Grandmas and auntie
Roger Hur: Grandma
Roger Hur: Grandma 2
Roger Hur: Tom and Shirley
Roger Hur: More cheese face.
Roger Hur: Presents!
Roger Hur: Maple syrup?
Roger Hur: Custom card by Malcolm
Roger Hur: Melody
Roger Hur: Brother and sister rule the world
Roger Hur: "16"
Roger Hur: Uncle Boy can fly!
Roger Hur: Uncle Boy can fly!
Roger Hur: Jump, jump.
Roger Hur: Jump, jump.
Roger Hur: Jump, jump.