Obie Fernandez: The Inimitable Mr. Chips (Alexander Schek)
Obie Fernandez: Christian y Roberto
Obie Fernandez: Alex De Carvalho y Alejandro Corpeño
Obie Fernandez: At the first Barcamp Honduras
Obie Fernandez: Christian and his camera
Obie Fernandez: Note the live twitter feed
Obie Fernandez: Obligatory crowd shot
Obie Fernandez: Alex is a crazy fucker
Obie Fernandez: Litza y Claudia
Obie Fernandez: Obie y Alex
Obie Fernandez: Obie and Alejandro Villanueva from Google
Obie Fernandez: "mi novia"
Obie Fernandez: Blackmail Photo
Obie Fernandez: Kelly y Alex
Obie Fernandez: Alejandro can hang with the best of us
Obie Fernandez: IMG_0146.JPG
Obie Fernandez: How do we feel about Chilis?
Obie Fernandez: I want my baleara pupusa!!!
Obie Fernandez: Los Corpeños
Obie Fernandez: Los Corpeños
Obie Fernandez: IMG_0151.JPG
Obie Fernandez: IMG_0154.JPG
Obie Fernandez: Kelly, Christian and Alex
Obie Fernandez: Alex DC, Kelly and Christian
Obie Fernandez: Shitty Honduran beer
Obie Fernandez: PUPUSA!!!
Obie Fernandez: IMG_0163.JPG
Obie Fernandez: MVI_0164.AVI