obeyken: Gear
obeyken: Marauding Bluejay #1
obeyken: Marauding Bluejay #2
obeyken: D. Cleetus Wentworth
obeyken: Gear explosion!
obeyken: Jess
obeyken: Smilin' Richard
obeyken: My first backcountry downhill in 17 years
obeyken: First wipeout: a self-portrait
obeyken: Doug and Jess
obeyken: Max and Alex
obeyken: Snowpile mine!
obeyken: Lunch somewhere near Dewey Point
obeyken: Mmm... chilled peanut butter cup
obeyken: A man and his shovel
obeyken: Me strong!
obeyken: Rich and Doug totally dig snow kitchens
obeyken: My tent and junk
obeyken: My stoop
obeyken: Max's accomodations
obeyken: Me near Dewey Point
obeyken: Rich and Alex in the kitchen
obeyken: Puffy Doug and Max
obeyken: Max's steaming belly
obeyken: Libations
obeyken: Bitchin sunset #1
obeyken: Bitchin sunset #2
obeyken: Max photographing the bitchin sunset
obeyken: Dewey Point
obeyken: The gang at Dewey Point