obakestyle: Witch of the Waste & Sophie
obakestyle: Stargate Cosplay
obakestyle: Obake Style's Table
obakestyle: Nick at the table
obakestyle: Obake Style's Table
obakestyle: Obake Style's Table
obakestyle: Sailor Marvel Cosplay
obakestyle: Purgatory Black Butler and Lady Death_Cosplay
obakestyle: Princess Mononoke Cosplay
obakestyle: Orcs Cosplay
obakestyle: The Black Knight Cosplay
obakestyle: Matt Page
obakestyle: Magi Madoke Cosplay
obakestyle: JIm Mahfood at work
obakestyle: Jim Mahfood's awesome art
obakestyle: Ian Maxfield
obakestyle: Guts (young and old)
obakestyle: Elmer Presslee
obakestyle: Catherine & Vincent
obakestyle: Cat Bus & Nausicaa