mhels_13: have a wonderful evening of silent
mhels_13: silent night
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: and behold, i come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. (revelation 22:12)
mhels_13: commit thy works unto the lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. (proverbs 16:3)
mhels_13: Doha port Kuwait
mhels_13: The blue sea (~`0
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: sea scape (over exposed)
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: sea scape (exposed shot)
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: ME & seascape
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: night shot
mhels_13: sunset
mhels_13: have a nice day
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: sea port
mhels_13: SEA SCAPE
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: Loneliness
mhels_13: sea scape
mhels_13: Sea Scape
mhels_13: the light of night
mhels_13: God is a sun and shield.