Jo Atherton: Reduction glazes pre-firing
Jo Atherton: Reduction glazes pre-firing
Jo Atherton: Reduction glazes pre-firing
Jo Atherton: IMG_0508
Jo Atherton: Reduction glazes pre-firing
Jo Atherton: Reduction glazes pre-firing
Jo Atherton: Reduction glazes pre-firing
Jo Atherton: The empty beast
Jo Atherton: Testing the kiln on Friday
Jo Atherton: Pyrometric cones
Jo Atherton: Pyrometric cones
Jo Atherton: Packing the kiln
Jo Atherton: Packing the kiln
Jo Atherton: Pat loading the gas kiln
Jo Atherton: Packing the kiln
Jo Atherton: Packing the kiln
Jo Atherton: Packing the kiln
Jo Atherton: Packing the kiln
Jo Atherton: Setting ourselves up for the busy day ahead
Jo Atherton: Mike is given the most responsible job of all
Jo Atherton: Kiln temperature
Jo Atherton: Toasty
Jo Atherton: Looking into the kiln without melting the camera
Jo Atherton: Kiln undercarriage
Jo Atherton: Kiln undercarriage
Jo Atherton: Hot hot hot
Jo Atherton: Opening the raku kiln
Jo Atherton: Raku kiln heat
Jo Atherton: Magical thing happening inside the raku kiln
Jo Atherton: Beauty is in the eye of the bowl holder