o0_Abigail_0o: Me - Hi my Newt, love your outfit.
o0_Abigail_0o: A very British affair.
o0_Abigail_0o: Newton.
o0_Abigail_0o: Knotts is MOST upset
o0_Abigail_0o: Like seriously can you BELIEVE this face?
o0_Abigail_0o: Whoever saw her wanted to possess her.
o0_Abigail_0o: I wonder what they are talking about?!
o0_Abigail_0o: Tiny one
o0_Abigail_0o: that shouldn't HAVE happened to you
o0_Abigail_0o: ooowwweeee poor Newt :(
o0_Abigail_0o: mmmmmm chocolate bath!
o0_Abigail_0o: Poor Rox is in a 2 and 8...
o0_Abigail_0o: the sleep eye girls...
o0_Abigail_0o: I was gutted to sand off her makeup but I chipped the shadow :(
o0_Abigail_0o: PAM ordered herself flowers
o0_Abigail_0o: Blythes for Obama!
o0_Abigail_0o: PLEASE LOOK! - church sunset. Bristol university
o0_Abigail_0o: passion flower
o0_Abigail_0o: Talking about my girl.
o0_Abigail_0o: Beryl - just one grape? more grape.
o0_Abigail_0o: Here she isssssssssss!!!!! Newton of Newt lane!!