O-JD: The day nears a close
O-JD: Solar disc
O-JD: Fly fishing
O-JD: Flying hunter
O-JD: Curtains down
O-JD: Azure
O-JD: Afloat on the Ganges
O-JD: Bonfire before Holi - III
O-JD: Bonfire before Holi - II
O-JD: Bonfire before Holi - I
O-JD: Bulbul
O-JD: Golden Oriole
O-JD: Golden oriole
O-JD: Peek-a-boo
O-JD: Nuts?
O-JD: Curious owl
O-JD: Wise owl
O-JD: On a high perch
O-JD: A pea-hen
O-JD: Lord Shen?
O-JD: shades
O-JD: Crimson
O-JD: Trumpeting
O-JD: The occasion