nzom: Morning glow at Kaikoura
nzom: The most beautiful place in NZ, Lake Matheson
nzom: Angels falling
nzom: After a storm at Mt. Cook
nzom: NZ's symbol Fern
nzom: The sunrise at East End of NZ
nzom: Picture? No, photo!
nzom: Sunrise with Millenium monument
nzom: Maori canoe Waka
nzom: White
nzom: One day before winter
nzom: Cross cloud
nzom: First sunrise in CHCH in 2010
nzom: Stillness
nzom: Stillness before sunrise
nzom: almost Annular solar eclipse
nzom: Spot light
nzom: Hana and Haru
nzom: Sakura
nzom: Castle in the air, 天空の城竹田城跡
nzom: Fantagically 幻想的に
nzom: Tears fallin'/こぼれる涙
nzom: Golden waves. 黄金の時間
nzom: flap. 羽ばたき
nzom: Peaceful colour moment. 静寂な時
nzom: Patterns of waves. 波模様
nzom: Brilliance of clouds. 雲の輝き
nzom: Reflection of red clouds. 反射
nzom: Platinous time. プラチナの時間
nzom: Feel the flow of time -LakeMatheson-