The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Adult tarnished plant bug
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Meadow spittlebug nymph secretion on strawberry
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Newly emerged adult meadow spittlebug on strawberry
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Adult meadow spittlebug
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Meadow spittlebug nymph and spittle on strawberry
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Damage to strawberry caused by meadow spittlebug feeding
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Black vine weevil
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Root weevil larva
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Strawberry bud weevil (clipper) adult
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Strawberry petals damaged by strawberry bud weevil
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Severed flower buds caused by strawberry bud weevil
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Strawberry bud weevil larva
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Strawberry bud weevil pupa
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Strawberry damaged by strawberry bud weevil
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Monitoring tarnished plant bug
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Berry yield reduction caused by tarnished plant bug
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Tarnished plant bug damage on strawberry fruit
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Tarnished plant bug damage on strawberry fruit
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Tarnished plant bug egg
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Tarnished plant bug nymph
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Older tarnished plant bug instar
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Strawberry sap beetle adult on strawberry
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Strawberry sap beetle larva on strawberry fruit
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Strawberry sap beetle pupa in soil
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Black vine weevil
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Eggs of a root weevil
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Damaged strawberry roots (left) caused by root weevil larvae
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Strawberry planting damaged by root weevils
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Damaged strawberry roots caused by root weevil larvae
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Adult root weevil damage on strawberry leaves