The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Dogbane Beetles Mating
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Dogbane Beetle
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Bumble Bee Mimic
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Bumble Bee Mimic
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: New yellowjacket nest
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Bumble bee on dahlia flower.
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Antlion larva pit
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Cereal Leaf Beetle Larva
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Cereal Leaf Beetle Eggs
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Cereal Leaf Beetle damage
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Black Swallowtail: Papilio polyxenes
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Asparagus beetle
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Asian Soybean Aphid
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Seven Spotted Lady Beetle
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: An adult mosquito emerges from its pupal case
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: mosquito larvae
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Carpenter ant nest
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: A plastic toy collects rainwater and breeds mosquitoes
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: robber fly with prey
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Water collects in tarps and breeds mosquitoes
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Paper Wasps and Nest
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Paper Wasps and Nest
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Cerambycid Beetle
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Cicada Killer Wasp
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Cicada Killer Wasp
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Ants on peonies
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Carpenter bee gallery in a cedar pergola
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Scavengers on a mouse carcass
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Eastern carpenter bee female on hosta flowers