The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Male Spotted Wing Drosophila
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Male Spotted Wing Drosophila
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Paper Wasps and Nest
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Carpenter bee damage on blueberry
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Carpenter bee on blueberry
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Cheap, homemade yellowjacket trap
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Cheap, homemade yellowjacket trap
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Geneva Fruit Field Day
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: American plum borer adult
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: American plum borer larva
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: American plum borer cocoon
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Fresh harvester damage (common entry point for American plum borer)
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Cankers in peach (allows entry for American plum borer)
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Black knot canker with American plum borer frass
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: American plum borer damage to trunk
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Apple maggot adult female
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Apple maggot wing
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Apple maggot larva
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Apple maggot pupa
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Apple maggot oviposition damage
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Apple maggot oviposition damage
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Apple maggot larval tunneling damage
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Apple maggot larval damage
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Adult roundheaded appletree borer
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Adult flathead appletree borer
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Adult Broad-necked root borer
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Roundheaded appletree borer larva
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Galleries of roundheaded appletree borer with frass
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Roundheaded appletree borer burrow
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Flatheaded appletree borer larva (3x actual size)