The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Food Splatter near Sink
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Equipment Spills
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Food Spillage on Racks
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Food Spillage on Racks
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Spilled Food
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Sugars in Soda Gun
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Sugars in Soda Gun Holder
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Clogged Drain Line
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Food Spillage is Fly Harborage
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Drain Fly Harborage
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Refuse Management
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Compactor Complications
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Missing Tile Grout / Standing Water
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Proper Storage
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Phorid Fly Pupae
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Phorid Fly Pupae
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Off-floor Trash
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Two Strikes!
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: An adult mosquito emerges from its pupal case
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: mosquito larvae
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: mosquito condusive conditions
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Mailbox bucket
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: A plastic toy collects rainwater and breeds mosquitoes
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Water collects in a plastic toy
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Rainwater filled snow rake