The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Blue Bottle Fly
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Green Bottle Fly
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Green Bottle Fly
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Boxwood Leafminer
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Asian Tiger Mosquito
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Moth Fly / Drain Fly (Psychodidae)
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Filth fly and spider beetle on glue trap
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Food Splatter near Sink
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Remove Dead Rodents
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Food Spillage is Fly Harborage
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Clogged Drain Line
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Contamination
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Fly Spotting
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Sugars in Soda Gun Holder
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Drain Fly Harborage
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Sugars in Soda Gun
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Missing Tile Grout / Standing Water
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Male Spotted Wing Drosophila
The NYSIPM Image Gallery: Male Spotted Wing Drosophila