Nydam: English weeping willow
Nydam: We are totally married
Nydam: Dad and I
Nydam: Meberg family complete!
Nydam: Before the ceremony
Nydam: Garlands make me happy
Nydam: Super dad
Nydam: Wait!
Nydam: Is it possible for my father and I to take a bad photo together?
Nydam: Nydam power!
Nydam: He married my parents over 30 years ago too!
Nydam: All rise
Nydam: You're my best friend
Nydam: Making it official.
Nydam: "We Will!"
Nydam: Husband and Wife
Nydam: "sweet nothings"
Nydam: Oh Grandma Meberg!
Nydam: Not sure what's going on here
Nydam: So gorgeous
Nydam: Pies made by the skillful hands of Mebergs
Nydam: I take my cracker and cheese eating very seriously
Nydam: Oh Ruth! We love you too!
Nydam: Sometimes Ruth talks with her hands
Nydam: Dad brought down the house
Nydam: Merrie's speech
Nydam: Dave's Speech
Nydam: What would I do without these ladies?
Nydam: Assembly line o' pies