Florence3: Interior of museum
Florence3: Interior of museum
Florence3: Greetings
Florence3: Dark Easter
Florence3: The Rolling up of the Holy Scroll of the Law
Florence3: Ferry on the Ij with Amsterdam in the distance
Florence3: Jewish Wedding
Florence3: Entrance to the Jewish History Museum
Florence3: Central Railway Station
Florence3: River cruise boats
Florence3: Along the waterfront
Florence3: Along the waterfront
Florence3: Along the waterfront
Florence3: Sculpture by the waterfront
Florence3: Sculpture by the waterfront
Florence3: Boats in the water along the waterfront
Florence3: Along the waterfront
Florence3: Sailboat
Florence3: River cruise boat
Florence3: River cruise boat
Florence3: Along the waterfront
Florence3: Along the waterfront
Florence3: Busy square in Amsterdam
Florence3: Looking at the ferris wheel
Florence3: Amsterdam street festival with ferris wheel
Florence3: Amsterdam street festival with ferris wheel
Florence3: Amsterdam street festival with ferris wheel
Florence3: Amsterdam street festival with ferris wheel
Florence3: Canal houses and seagulls
Florence3: One of the many canals