Florence3: On Cape Horn
Florence3: View of the ocean
Florence3: Albatross Monument
Florence3: 160 steps to get to the Albatross Monument
Florence3: Stella Australis in port in Ushuaia, Argentina
Florence3: Chapel
Florence3: Stone monument
Florence3: Flag
Florence3: In the lighthouse
Florence3: Lighthouse
Florence3: Shell in the rocks, Wulaia
Florence3: On Wulaia
Florence3: Sign on the museum re Charles Darwin
Florence3: Museum
Florence3: Life vests on the shore
Florence3: Zodiac in the water
Florence3: Stella Australis near Wulaia
Florence3: Monument to Robert Fitzroy on Cape Horn
Florence3: Aguila Glacier
Florence3: Aguila Glacier
Florence3: Zodiac reaching shore
Florence3: Zodiac reaching shore
Florence3: Zodiac reaching shore
Florence3: Going to shore in the zodiacs
Florence3: View from the ship
Florence3: View from the ship
Florence3: View from the ship
Florence3: View from the ship
Florence3: View from the ship
Florence3: Craft being lowered into the water