Florence3: Interior of St. Bernard English Church
Florence3: Cable car to Mannlichen
Florence3: View of the Alps from Hotel Schoenegg
Florence3: View of the Alps from Hotel Schoenegg
Florence3: View from Hotel Schoenegg
Florence3: View from Hotel Schoenegg
Florence3: Miniature golf
Florence3: Swiss chalet
Florence3: Avalanche barriers
Florence3: St. Bernard English Church
Florence3: Bluebells on Mannlichen
Florence3: Monika and Paul
Florence3: Ann, Anne and Rosemarie
Florence3: Ann and Anne on Manlichen
Florence3: View of Alps with new snow
Florence3: Pathway on Mannlichen
Florence3: Avalanche barriers
Florence3: Wengen at twilight
Florence3: Flowers
Florence3: Flowers
Florence3: Flowers
Florence3: Linda
Florence3: Cows along the hiking trail
Florence3: Cows along the hiking trail
Florence3: Mountains and clouds
Florence3: Mountain top above the clouds
Florence3: Gondolas
Florence3: Village of Wengen
Florence3: Caterpillar
Florence3: Wild orchids