Florence3: Beautifully carved ceremonial stick
Florence3: The Maasai men jumping as part of their greeting ceremony
Florence3: The Maasai men jumping as part of their greeting ceremony
Florence3: The Maasai men jumping as part of their greeting ceremony
Florence3: The Maasai men jumping as part of their greeting ceremony
Florence3: The Maasai men jumping as part of their greeting ceremony
Florence3: The Maasai men jumping as part of their greeting ceremony
Florence3: Maasai in their colorful clothing greeting visitors--the cows ambled by, too
Florence3: Maasai in their colorful clothing greeting visitors
Florence3: Maasai in their colorful clothing greeting visitors
Florence3: Maasai in their colorful clothing greeting visitors
Florence3: Maasai in their colorful clothing greeting visitors
Florence3: Maasai in their colorful clothing greeting visitors
Florence3: Maasai in their colorful clothing greeting visitors
Florence3: Mt. Kilimanjaro in the background
Florence3: Entrance to Amboseli National Park
Florence3: Elaine, Heidi and Art
Florence3: Maasai family
Florence3: Demonstrating how to start a fire
Florence3: Demonstrating how to start a fire
Florence3: Demonstrating how to start a fire
Florence3: Demonstrating how to start a fire
Florence3: Demonstrating how to start a fire
Florence3: Adorable child, one shoe missing
Florence3: One of the manyatta dwellings
Florence3: Tony showing the photos he took with his new iPad
Florence3: Tony showing the photos he took with his new iPad
Florence3: Tony showing the photos he took with his new iPad
Florence3: Tony showing the photos he took with his new iPad
Florence3: Tony showing the children the photos he took on his new iPad