Florence3: Fish tank in the Park Hotel
Florence3: Fish tank in the Park Hotel
Florence3: Fish tank in the Park Hotel
Florence3: Fish tank in the Park Hotel
Florence3: Fish tank in the Park Hotel
Florence3: Honoring Mother Teresa
Florence3: Watering the plants on Park Street
Florence3: The awning over the police station still says Calcutta
Florence3: Police barriers
Florence3: The horns never stopped
Florence3: Taxi cab on Park Street
Florence3: Laundry, litter and plastic bags
Florence3: On Park Street, the main shopping street in Kolkata
Florence3: Sculptures and statues at the Judges Ghat
Florence3: Sculptures and statues at the Judges Ghat
Florence3: Sculptures and statues at the Judges Ghat
Florence3: Sculptures and statues at the Judges Ghat
Florence3: Sculptures and statues at the Judges Ghat
Florence3: At the Judges Ghat by the river
Florence3: At the Judges Ghat by the river
Florence3: At the Judges Ghat by the river
Florence3: Glittery carriages and horses
Florence3: Glittery carriages and horses
Florence3: Posing by Queen Victoria's statue
Florence3: Queen Victoria Memorial
Florence3: Queen Victoria Memorial
Florence3: Queen Victoria Memorial
Florence3: Queen Victoria Memorial
Florence3: General Post Office, Kolkata, India
Florence3: General Post Office, Kolkata, India