Florence3: Design detail in the Forbidden City
Florence3: Forbidden City
Florence3: Forbidden City
Florence3: Forbidden City
Florence3: Forbidden City
Florence3: Courtyard of Forbidden City
Florence3: Forbidden City
Florence3: Courtyard of Forbidden City
Florence3: Courtyard of Forbidden City
Florence3: Courtyard of Forbidden City
Florence3: Courtyard of Forbidden City
Florence3: Courtyard of Forbidden City
Florence3: Inside the Forbidden City
Florence3: Entrance to the Forbidden City
Florence3: Resting in Tiananmen Square
Florence3: Tiananmen Square
Florence3: Marching in Tiananmen Square
Florence3: Students in Tiananmen Square
Florence3: Tiananmen Square
Florence3: Old Beijing railway station
Florence3: Bill and William
Florence3: Beijing buildings at night
Florence3: Beijing buildings at night
Florence3: Sun setting by the Chinese Television Building "CCTV"
Florence3: In the garden of the Forbidden City
Florence3: In the garden of the Forbidden City
Florence3: In the garden of the Forbidden City
Florence3: Bilingual sign in Forbidden City
Florence3: Bilingual sign in Forbidden City
Florence3: Sculpture