Florence3: Mt. Nebo turkeys--rear view
Florence3: Mt. Nebo turkeys--front view
Florence3: View from Mt. Nebo
Florence3: Large stone
Florence3: Greek inscription, 762 AD
Florence3: Mosaic floor detail
Florence3: Mosaic floor
Florence3: Mosaic
Florence3: Bronze Monument
Florence3: Bronze monument on Mt. Nebo
Florence3: Location points from Mt. Nebo
Florence3: Monument on Mt. Nebo
Florence3: Monument on Mt. Nebo
Florence3: Mt. Nebo monument
Florence3: Monument on Mt. Nebo
Florence3: Mt. Nebo in Jordan
Florence3: Mt. Nebo Jordan
Florence3: Goat in Madaba Jordan
Florence3: Goats in Madaba Jordan
Florence3: Portion of the mosaic map of Palestine
Florence3: Portion of the mosaic map of Palestine
Florence3: Depiction of the mosaic map of Palestine
Florence3: Interior of St. George Greek Orthodox Church
Florence3: St. George Greek Orthodox Church
Florence3: Sign for St. George Church