Florence3: Hadrian's Arch, Jerash Jordan
Florence3: Carved facade of fountain, constructed in 191 AD
Florence3: Colonnaded Street paved with original stones
Florence3: Temple of Zeus, Jerash Jordan
Florence3: One of the gateways into Jerash
Florence3: Greek lettering
Florence3: Stone and wooden wheel
Florence3: Exterior wall of the Hippodrome
Florence3: Three friends in the Hippodrome
Florence3: Decoration
Florence3: Decoration
Florence3: Oval plaza, Jerash Jordan
Florence3: Oval plaza, Jerash Jordan
Florence3: 1st C Ionic columns
Florence3: Oval plaza, Jerash Jordan
Florence3: 1st C Ionic columns
Florence3: Oval Plaza, Jerash Jordan
Florence3: City walls and gate, Jerash Jordan
Florence3: View through the south gate
Florence3: Rear of south gate, Jerash Jordan
Florence3: South gate, Jerash Jordan
Florence3: Listening to the musicians
Florence3: South theater
Florence3: Seats in south theater
Florence3: Theater seats
Florence3: Back of stage of south theater
Florence3: Trying out the acoustics in the south theater
Florence3: Musicians welcoming visitors to the south theater
Florence3: Entrance to the south theater
Florence3: Horn player in the hippodrome