Florence3: Cathedral of Santa Maria
Florence3: Setting sun
Florence3: Wine tasting
Florence3: Etruscan tomb under the wine cellar
Florence3: Steps under the wine cellar
Florence3: Steps down to the wine cellar
Florence3: Wine casks
Florence3: Winery
Florence3: At the top of the long hill entering Montepulciano
Florence3: Monticchiello, Italy
Florence3: Interior hallway
Florence3: Frescoes in Sant' Anna
Florence3: Sant' Anna in Camprena
Florence3: White horse
Florence3: Church of San Leonardo
Florence3: Town Hall
Florence3: Montefollonico signs
Florence3: Mothers and baby carriages
Florence3: Montefollonico, Italy
Florence3: Musicians playing outside the duomo
Florence3: Angels holding up painting
Florence3: Repairing the mosaic floor
Florence3: Organ pipes 3
Florence3: Organ pipes 2
Florence3: Organ pipes 1
Florence3: Dome inside Duomo
Florence3: Interior of Duomo
Florence3: Duomo interior
Florence3: Decorative ceiling
Florence3: Busts of Popes