Florence3: On the Fishermen's Bastion
Florence3: Bette on the Fishermen's Bastion
Florence3: Reflection of Fishermen's Bastion
Florence3: Fishermen's Bastion
Florence3: View of Pest and Danube from the funicular
Florence3: Funicular to go to top of Buda
Florence3: Walking across the chain bridge
Florence3: Pink bows
Florence3: Dome in St. Stephen's Basilica
Florence3: St. Stephen's Basilica
Florence3: St. Stephen's Basilica
Florence3: Keeping the facade
Florence3: Golden flowers
Florence3: Flowers
Florence3: Flower
Florence3: Black-eyed Susans
Florence3: Children and care givers in park
Florence3: Sculpture near Parliament square
Florence3: Parliament Building
Florence3: Details on a building
Florence3: Looking toward the Buda side of the Danube
Florence3: Promenade along the Danube with chain bridge in the background
Florence3: Honoring Raoul Wallenberg
Florence3: Star of David with memorial in background
Florence3: Headstones--killed in 1945
Florence3: Memorial to Hungarian Holocaust victims
Florence3: Pieces rescued from a cemetery desecrated by the Nazis
Florence3: Entrance to Dohany Synagogue
Florence3: Dohany Synagogue
Florence3: War memorial