Florence3: Looking down at the lower town from the upper town
Florence3: Statue in main square in Zagreb lower town
Florence3: Pigeon on the statue
Florence3: Bas-relief on outside of building
Florence3: Cathedral of St. Stephen
Florence3: Church of St. Mark under renovation
Florence3: Sculpture in upper town
Florence3: Tribute to Nikola Tesla
Florence3: Flowers in Dolac Market
Florence3: Flowers in Dolac Market
Florence3: Vegetable stand
Florence3: Watermelons for sale
Florence3: Grapes for sale
Florence3: Nectarines and grapes
Florence3: Railway station, tram, pedestrians
Florence3: Good place for lunch in Zagreb
Florence3: Altar in Cathedral of St. Stephen
Florence3: Bust of Sigmund Freud
Florence3: Roni, wife and daughter