Florence3: Catherine Palace gates
Florence3: Catherine Palace gates
Florence3: Catherine Palace
Florence3: Catherine Palace
Florence3: Catherine Palace
Florence3: Catherine Palace
Florence3: Catherine Palace
Florence3: Hard at work and hard work
Florence3: Amber Room
Florence3: Palace guards with canine companion
Florence3: Palace gardens
Florence3: The grand cascade at Peterhof
Florence3: Fountains and Peterhof
Florence3: Fountain at Peterhof
Florence3: Peterhof fountain
Florence3: Fountain sculpture
Florence3: IMG_4524.JPG
Florence3: Monplaisir
Florence3: Crowds in the Hermitage
Florence3: Chandelier
Florence3: Feodor
Florence3: Wall decoration
Florence3: Wall decoration
Florence3: Decorative hallway
Florence3: Checking out the floor plan
Florence3: In the museum shop
Florence3: Shopping