Florence3: Square in Riga Latvia with church spire
Florence3: Museum of Occupation
Florence3: Plaque commerating Wagner and other musicians
Florence3: Wagner's residence in Riga Latvia
Florence3: Street in Riga Latvia
Florence3: IMG_4040.JPG
Florence3: Church interior
Florence3: Building in Riga Latvia
Florence3: Art Nouveau in Riga Latvia
Florence3: Art Nouveau building--Riga Lativa
Florence3: Art Nouveau building--Riga Latvia
Florence3: Rundale Palace--Latvia
Florence3: Interior--Rundale Palace
Florence3: Wall of vases--Rundale Palace
Florence3: Ceiling in boudoir--Rundale Palace
Florence3: Garden--Rundale Palace
Florence3: Palace gates-Rundale
Florence3: Central Market--Riga Latvia
Florence3: Outside vendor--Central Market
Florence3: Indoor produce vendor
Florence3: Indoor fruit vendor
Florence3: Honey
Florence3: fish and flowers
Florence3: salmon
Florence3: Jurmala Latvia on the Baltic Sea
Florence3: on the beach in Jurmala Latvia
Florence3: On the bench on the beach
Florence3: Feeding time
Florence3: Beach house--Jurmala Latvia
Florence3: viewing the Baltic