Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Maine Monument” by Attilio Piccirilli and architect Harold Van Buren Magonigle, photograph by H.H. Sidman, series 21, exhibit A, approved June 10, 1902.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Maine Monument” by Attilio Piccirilli and architect Harold Van Buren Magonigle, photograph by H.H. Sidman, series 21, exhibit C, approved June 10, 1902.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Maine Monument” by Attilio Piccirilli and architect Harold Van Buren Magonigle, application, page 1, series 21, exhibit D, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Maine Monument” by Attilio Piccirilli and architect Harold Van Buren Magonigle, application, page 2, series 21, exhibit D, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Maine Monument” by Attilio Piccirilli and architect Harold Van Buren Magonigle, memorandum, page 1, series 21, exhibit D, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Maine Monument” by Attilio Piccirilli and architect Harold Van Buren Magonigle, memorandum, page 2, series 21, exhibit D, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Justice” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit H, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Courage” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit I, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Courage” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit J, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Courage” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit K, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
Model for “Courage” by Attilio Piccirilli, located in the Design Commission office, City Hall, Third Floor, photograph by Glenn Castellano, March 2008.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Fortitude” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit M, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Columbia Triumphant” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit O, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“War” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit R, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“History” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit T, disapproved April 14, 1908.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Maine Monument” by Attilio Piccirilli and architect Harold Van Buren Magonigle, application, page 3, series 21, exhibit U, approved July 6, 1910.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Maine Monument” by Attilio Piccirilli and architect Harold Van Buren Magonigle, series 21, exhibit V, approved July 6, 1910.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Maine Monument” by Attilio Piccirilli and architect Harold Van Buren Magonigle, series 21, exhibit W, approved July 6, 1910.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Maine Monument” by Attilio Piccirilli and architect Harold Van Buren Magonigle, series 21, exhibit Z, approved March 16, 1911.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“War,” “Justice,” and “History” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit AB, approved May 11, 1911.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Courage,” “Peace,” and “Fortitude” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit AC, approved May 11, 1911.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“Columbia Triumphant” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit AD, approved May 11, 1911.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“The Atlantic” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit AE, approved May 11, 1911.
Public Design Commission of the City of New York:
“The Pacific” by Attilio Piccirilli, “Maine Monument,” photograph by A.B. Bogart, series 21, exhibit AF, approved May 11, 1911.