NYCandre: Occupy His Desk
NYCandre: Kal putting the finishing touches
NYCandre: What about playing with a real mouse?
NYCandre: After due consideration
NYCandre: Kal was not amused
NYCandre: Happiness is .. a greap fruit
NYCandre: Claws of contentment
NYCandre: Brotherly Love
NYCandre: Coup de main
NYCandre: Test shots
NYCandre: Kal solving a puzzle
NYCandre: Kal says .. Happy Valentine's Day!
NYCandre: Kal's gourmet catfood - beefroll sushi
NYCandre: Kal adds: "I think I chose wisely and so should You!"
NYCandre: Claws of contentment
NYCandre: A subtle stain (also cat ear mite cure info)
NYCandre: "Yeah, I caught it with my bare paws. How big? Oh, I'd say it was about ... yay big. No lie"
NYCandre: Celadon Kal
NYCandre: I Get By
NYCandre: Kal at attention
NYCandre: Kal
NYCandre: Natalie
NYCandre: Natalie
NYCandre: Kal on the mat
NYCandre: Kal paying attention
NYCandre: Spring - tennis time