NYCandre: M. Warholized
NYCandre: FLowing
NYCandre: Cool dude
NYCandre: Boscobel, New York
NYCandre: Richard
NYCandre: Brave New World (Le Meilleur des mondes)
NYCandre: Spotted in Battery Park (Vue a New York)
NYCandre: Liberty
NYCandre: Stone wash
NYCandre: Spotted in the West Village
NYCandre: Candlelight test - mixed lighting (White Dog Cafe - Philadelphia)
NYCandre: Good Natured
NYCandre: David
NYCandre: Grow
NYCandre: Spotted in the West Village
NYCandre: Evelyn - English Rose
NYCandre: Christmas Ale - c'est le pied !
NYCandre: SPEAK ( Reproduced from R. Baxter's Stream )
NYCandre: With best wishes