nwlynch: Getting bored on my flight equals drawing a skyline on a @starbucks cup
nwlynch: In the Middle
nwlynch: My job is something different... Glad for that.
nwlynch: WO-MEN
nwlynch: Toying with some "trees" for a project...
nwlynch: Art by @kaylapaine...
nwlynch: This apparently says "Tea" in Russian...
nwlynch: It's @ryanbroadhurst and story night.... #sketch
nwlynch: Another story means another scribble. All I had was a sharpie (cc: @ryanbroadhurst)
nwlynch: was asked to write down a wish for the Chinese New Year... Felt this works.
nwlynch: 拜年了!
nwlynch: Coloring session with the nieces and nephew...
nwlynch: Who said #ValentinesDay was about hearts??