DWoltereckPhotography: Common Merganser, female
DWoltereckPhotography: American Widgeon male
DWoltereckPhotography: Male Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
DWoltereckPhotography: Pacific Forktail (Ischnura cervula)
DWoltereckPhotography: Love is in the air... every where you look around (Neil Diamond?)
DWoltereckPhotography: first damselfly of 09
DWoltereckPhotography: 3rd-4th year Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
DWoltereckPhotography: Osprey Hawk (Pandion haliaetus)
DWoltereckPhotography: Osprey Hawk (Pandion haliaetus)
DWoltereckPhotography: Red-Tailed Hawk
DWoltereckPhotography: Double Crested Cormorant
DWoltereckPhotography: Osprey stretch
DWoltereckPhotography: Juvenile Red-tail Hawk hollering for me or mom ;)
DWoltereckPhotography: Dragonfly flight (Blue eyed/Arroyo Darner?)
DWoltereckPhotography: Happy Dragonfly!
DWoltereckPhotography: Common Pondhawk, male (Erythemis simplicicollis)
DWoltereckPhotography: Common Pondhawk, male (Erythemis simplicicollis)
DWoltereckPhotography: Happy Sunday
DWoltereckPhotography: Early morning peace
DWoltereckPhotography: Momma Mallard and duckling
DWoltereckPhotography: Mallard mom and duckling
DWoltereckPhotography: Female Blue Dasher
DWoltereckPhotography: Female Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella)
DWoltereckPhotography: River Bluet (Enallagma anna, male)
DWoltereckPhotography: Red-tail hawk